3:1 达味诗歌,作于逃避其子阿贝沙隆时。
A psalm of David, when he fled from his son Absalom.I
3:2 上主,迫害我的人,不可胜数!攻击我的人,成群结队!
How many are my foes, LORD! How many rise against me!
3:3 很多人论及我说:「天主绝不拯救他!」
How many say of me, "God will not save that one." Selah
3:4 但是你,上主,是围护我的盾牌,是我的荣耀,常使我首昂头抬。
But you, LORD, are a shield around me; my glory, you keep my head high.II
3:5 我一向上主大声呼号,他便从圣山上俯听我。
Whenever I cried out to the LORD, I was answered from the holy mountain. Selah
3:6 我躺下安睡,我又醒了,因为上主常扶持着我。
Whenever I lay down and slept, the LORD preserved me to rise again.
3:7 虽有千万人向我围攻,我一丝一毫也不惊恐。
I do not fear, then, thousands of people arrayed against me on every side.III
3:8 上主,请你兴起奋发;我的天主,求你救拔,因为你击破了我仇敌的腮颊,你打破了众恶人的门牙。
Arise, LORD! Save me, my God! You will shatter the jaws of all my foes; youwill break the teeth of the wicked.
3:9 救援之恩完全属于上主;愿你的百姓受你的降福!
Safety comes from the LORD! Your blessing for your people! Selah