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【圣咏集】 上一章 下一章
5:1 达味诗歌,交与乐官,和以管乐。
For the leader; with wind instruments. A psalm of David.I
5:2 上主,求你倾听我的语言,上主,求你细听我的悲叹!
Hear my words, O LORD; listen to my sighing.
5:3 我的君王,我的天主,请听我祈祷的声音!上主,我在向你哀恳,
Hear my cry for help, my king, my God! To you I pray, O LORD;
5:4 你一早便俯听了我的呼声;我清晨向你倾诉我的祷文,满怀希望地静候你的应允。
at dawn you will hear my cry; at dawn I will plead before you and wait.II
5:5 你绝不是喜爱罪恶的天主,恶人决不能在你面前存留,
You are not a god who delights in evil; no wicked person finds refuge withyou;
5:6 傲慢人也不能在你前站立。对作恶的人你也深恶厌弃,
the arrogant cannot stand before you. You hate all who do evil;
5:7 说谎不实的人,你全予以消除;奸诈好杀的人,上主一律厌恶。
you destroy all who speak falsely. Murderers and deceivers the LORD abhors.III
5:8 我得进入你的殿宇,专赖你丰厚的慈爱,满怀敬畏你的心,向你的圣所肃然跪拜。
But I can enter your house because of your great love. I can worship in yourholy temple because of my reverence for you, LORD.
5:9 上主,为了我的仇人敌人,求你常以正义导我遵循,在我面前铺平你的路程。
Guide me in your justice because of my foes; make straight your way beforeme.IV
5:10 因为他们的口中毫无真诚,他们的内心全是虚伪满盈;他们的咽喉是敞开的坟茔,他们的舌头只顾美语逄迎。
For there is no sincerity in their mouths; their hearts are corrupt. Theirthroats are open graves; on their tongues are subtle lies.
5:11 天主,愿你惩罚他们,使他们的诡计落空!为了他们的罪过,请驱逐他们,因为他们直接对你叛逆不忠。
Declare them guilty, God; make them fall by their own devices. Drive themout for their many sins; they have rebelled against you.V
5:12 但愿投奔你的人,兴高彩烈,永远欢愉;愿爱慕你名的人,欢乐于你,蒙你护佑!
Then all who take refuge in you will be glad and forever shout for joy.Protect them that you may be the joy of those who love your name.
5:13 上主,你原来只向义人祝福。你的仁爱如盾牌把他掩护。
For you, LORD, bless the just; you surround them with favor like a shield.


