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【伯多禄后书】 上一章 下一章
1:1 耶稣基督的仆人和宗徒西满伯多禄,致书给那些因我们的天主和救主耶稣基督的正义,与我们分享同样宝贵信德的人。
Symeon Peter, a slave and apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who have received a faith of equal value to ours through the righteousness of our God and savior Jesus Christ:
1:2 愿恩宠与平安,因认识天主和我们的主耶稣,丰富地赐予你们。
may grace and peace be yours in abundance through knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.
1:3 因为我们认识了那借自己的光荣和德能,召叫我们的基督,基督天主性的大能,就将各种关乎生命和虔敬的恩惠,赏给了我们,
His divine power has bestowed on us everything that makes for ife and devotion, through the knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and power.
1:4 并借着自己的光荣和德能,将最大和宝贵的恩许赏给了我们,为使你们借着这些恩许,在逃脱世界上所有败坏的贪欲之后,能成为有分于天主性体的人。
Through these, he has bestowed on us the precious and very great promises, so that through them you may come to share in the divinenature, after escaping from the corruption that is in the world because of evil desire.
1:5 正为了这个原故,你们要全力奋勉,在你们的信仰上还要加毅力,在毅力上加知识,
For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, virtue with knowledge,
1:6 在知识上加节制,在节制上加忍耐,在忍耐上加虔敬,
knowledge with self-control, self-control with endurance, endurance with devotion,
1:7 在虔敬上加兄弟的友爱,在兄弟的友爱上加爱德。
devotion with mutual affection, mutual affection with love.
1:8 实在,这些德行如果存在你们内,且不断增添,你们决不致于在认识我们的主耶稣基督上,成为不工作,不结果实的人,
If these are yours and increase in abundance, they will keep you from being idle or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
1:9 因为那没有这些德行的,便是瞎子,是近视眼,忘却了他从前的罪恶已被清除。
Anyone who lacks them is blind and shortsighted, forgetful of the cleansing of his past sins.
1:10 为此,弟兄们,你们更要尽心竭力,使你们的蒙召和被选,赖善行而坚定不移;倘若你们这样作,决不会跌倒。
Therefore, brothers, be all the more eager to make your calland election firm, for, in doing so, you will never stumble.
1:11 的确,这样你们便更有把握,进入我们的主和救主耶稣基督永远的国。
For, in this way, entry into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ will be richly provided for you.
1:12 为此,纵然你们已知道这些事,已坚定在所怀有的真理之上,我还是要常提醒你们。
Therefore, I will always remind you of these things, even though you already know them and are established in the truth you have.
1:13 我以为只要我还在这帐幕内,就有义务以劝言来鼓励你们。
I think it right, as long as I am in this "tent," to stir you up by a reminder,
1:14 我知道我的帐幕快要拆卸了,一如我们的主耶稣基督指示给我的。
since I know that I will soon have to put it aside, as indeed our Lord Jesus Christ has shown me.
1:15 我要尽心竭力使你们在我去世以后,也时常记念这些事。
I shall also make every effort to enable you always to remember these things after my departure.
1:16 我们将我们的主耶稣基督的大能和来临,宣告给你们,并不是依据虚构的荒诞故事,而是因为我们亲眼见过他的威荣。
We did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we had been eyewitnesses of his majesty.
1:17 他实在由天主接受了尊敬和光荣,因那时曾有这样的声音,从显赫的光荣中发出来,向他说:「这是我的爱子,我所喜悦的。」
For he received honor and glory from God the Father when that unique declaration came to him from the majestic glory, "This is my Son, my beloved, with whom I am well pleased."
1:18 这来自天上的声音,是我们同他在那座圣山上的时候,亲自听见的。
We ourselves heard this voice come from heaven while we were with him on the holy mountain.
1:19 因此,我们认定先知的话更为确实,对这话你们当十分留神,就如留神在暗中发光的灯,直到天亮,晨星在你们的心中升起的时候。
Moreover, we possess the prophetic message that is altogether reliable. You will do well to be attentive to it, as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.
1:20 最主要的,你们应知道经上的一切预言,决不应随私人的解释,
Know this first of all, that there is no prophecy of scripture that is a matter of personal interpretation,
1:21 因为预言从来不是由人的意愿而发的,而是由天主所派遣的圣人,在圣神推动之下说出来的。
for no prophecy ever came through human will; but rather human beings moved by the holy Spirit spoke under the influence of God.


