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【宗徒大事录】 上一章 下一章
24:1 过了五天,大司祭阿尼雅同几个长老和一个名叫特尔突罗的律师下来,向总督控告保禄。
Five days later the high priest Ananias came down with some elders and an advocate, a certain Tertullus, and they presented formal charges against Paul to the governor.
24:2 保禄被传来后,特尔突罗便开始控告说:「斐理斯大人!因了你,我们才得大享太平,由于你的照料,这民族得了改善:
When he was called, Tertullus began to accuse him, saying, "Since we have attained much peace through you, and reforms have been accomplished in this nation through your provident care,
24:3 这是我们时时处处感激不尽的。
we acknowledge this in every way and everywhere, most excellent Felix, with all gratitude.
24:4 但为了不多耽误你的时间,我请求你发仁慈,略听我们片刻。
But in order not to detain you further, I ask you to give us a brief hearing with your customary graciousness.
24:5 我们查出这人实在是个危险人物。他鼓动天下的一切犹太人作乱,又是纳匝肋教派的魁首。
We found this man to be a pest; he creates dissension among Jews all over the world and is a ringleader of the sect of the Nazoreans.
24:6 他还企图亵渎圣殿,我们便把他抓住了。【本想按我们的法律来审判他,
He even tried to desecrate our temple, but we arrested him.
24:7 可是千夫长里息雅赶到,以武力将他从我们手中夺去,
24:8 命令控告他的人,到你这里来。】你问问他,便可知道我们控告这人的一切事是真的了。」
If you examine him you will be able to learn from him for yourself about everything of which we are accusing him."
24:9 犹太人也一起附和,肯定事情确是如此。
The Jews also joined in the attack and asserted that these things were so.
24:10 总督示意叫保禄说话,保禄便回答说:「我知道你多年以来,就作这民族的判官,所以我可放心为我自己的事作辩护。
Then the governor motioned to him to speak and Paul replied, "I know that you have been a judge over this nation for many years and so I am pleased to make my defense before you.
24:11 你能够查知:自从我上耶路撒冷来朝拜,到现在还不过十二天。
As you can verify, not more than twelve days have passed since I went up to Jerusalem to worship.
24:12 他们在圣殿里,或在会堂里,或在城内,没有看见我同什么人争论,或集合过群众。
Neither in the temple, nor in the synagogues, nor anywhere in the city did they find me arguing with anyone or instigating a riot among the people.
24:13 对于他们现在控告我的事,他们也不能向你证明。
Nor can they prove to you the accusations they are now making against me.
24:14 但是有一点,我却向你承认:就是我确是依照他们所称为异端的道,事奉祖先的天主;凡合乎法律及先知书上所记载的一切,我都相信。
But this I do admit to you, that according to the Way, which they call a sect, I worship the God of our ancestors and I believe everything that is in accordance with the law and written in the prophets.
24:15 我对天主所有的希望,也是他们自己所期待的,就是义人及不义的人将要复活。
I have the same hope in God as they themselves have that there will be a resurrection of the righteous and the unrighteous.
24:16 因此,我自己勉力,对天主对人时常保持良心无愧。
Because of this, I always strive to keep my conscience clear before God and man.
24:17 我离开耶路撒冷多年以后,才回到那里,是为赒济我国人,并呈献祭物。
After many years, I came to bring alms for my nation and offerings.
24:18 这期间,有人见我在圣殿里行取洁礼,既没有集众,也没有作乱。
While I was so engaged, they found me, after my purification, in the temple without a crowd or disturbance.
24:19 不过,只有几个从亚细亚来的犹太人,他们若有告我的事,他们应该到你面前控告。
But some Jews from the province of Asia, who should be here before you to make whatever accusation they might have against me ?
24:20 或者,如果这里的这些人,见我站在公议会前有什么不对,他们尽可提出;
or let these men themselves state what crime they discovered when I stood before the Sanhedrin,
24:21 即使有,无非是为了我站在他们中间所喊的这一声:为了死者的复活,我今天才受你们审判。」
unless it was my one outcry as I stood among them, that 'I am on trial before you today for the resurrection of the dead.'"
24:22 斐理斯对于这道,既有比较确切的认识,便有意拖延,就对他们说:「等里息雅千夫长下来,我再审断你们的事。」
Then Felix, who was accurately informed about the Way, postponed the trial, saying, "When Lysias the commander comes down, I shall decide your case."
24:23 遂命百夫长看守保禄,要从宽待他,不要阻止他的近人来接济他。
He gave orders to the centurion that he should be kept in custody but have some liberty, and that he should not prevent any of his friends from caring for his needs.
24:24 过了几天,斐理斯和他的犹太籍妻子得鲁息拉一起来到,就打发人叫保禄来,听他讲论有关信仰基督耶稣的道理。
Several days later Felix came with his wife Drusilla, who was Jewish. He had Paul summoned and listened to him speak about faith in Christ Jesus.
24:25 保禄讲论到公义、节操和将来的审判时,斐理斯害怕起来,便回答说:「现在你回去,等我得便,再叫你来。」
But as he spoke about righteousness and self-restraint and the coming judgment, Felix became frightened and said, "You may go for now; when I find an opportunity I shall summon you again."
24:26 他同时也希望保禄给他些钱,因此,屡次打发人叫他来和他谈话。
At the same time he hoped that a bribe would be offered him by Paul, and so he sent for him very often and conversed with him.
24:27 满了两年,颇尔基约斐斯托接了斐理斯的任;斐理斯愿意向犹太人讨好,就将保禄留在监里。
Two years passed and Felix was succeeded by Porcius Festus. Wishing to ingratiate himself with the Jews, Felix left Paul in prison.


