1:1 达味之子耶路撒冷的君王「训道者」的语录:
The words of David’s son, Qoheleth, king in Jerusalem:
1:2 虚而又虚,训道者说:虚而又虚,万事皆虚。
Vanity of vanities, says Qoheleth, vanity of vanities! All things are vanity!
1:3 人在太阳下辛勤劳作,为人究有何益﹖
What profit has man from all the labor which he toils at under the sun?
1:4 一代过去,一代又来,大地仍常存在。
One generation passes and another comes, but the world forever stays.
1:5 太阳升起,太阳落下,匆匆赶回原处,从新再升。
The sun rises and the sun goes down; then it presses on to the place where it rises.
1:6 风吹向南,又转向北,旋转不息,循环运行。
Blowing now toward the south, then toward the north, the wind turns again and again, resuming its rounds.
1:7 江河流入大海,大海总不满溢;江河仍向所往之处,川流不息。
All rivers go to the sea, yet never does the sea become full. To the place where they go, the rivers keep on going.
1:8 万事皆辛劳,无人能尽言:眼看,看不够;耳听,听不饱。
All speech is labored; there is nothing man can say. The eye is not satisfied with seeing nor is the ear filled with hearing.
1:9 往昔所有,将会再有;昔日所行,将会再行;太阳之下决无新事。
What has been, that will be; what has been done, that will be done. Nothing is new under the sun.
1:10 若有人指一事说:「看,这是新事。」殊不知在我们以前早就有过。
Even the thing of which we say, "See, this is new!" has already existed in the ages that preceded us.
1:11 只是对往者,没有人去追忆;同样,对来者,也不会为后辈所记念。
There is no remembrance of the men of old; nor of those to come will there be any remembrance among those who come after them.
1:12 我训道者,曾在耶路撒冷作过以色列的君王。
I, Qoheleth, was king over Israel in Jerusalem,
1:13 曾专心用智慧考察研究过天下所发生的一切;──这实是天主赐与人类的一项艰辛的工作。
and I applied my mind to search and investigate in wisdom all things that are done under the sun. A thankless task God has appointed for men to be busied about.
1:14 我观察了在太阳下所发生的一切:看,都是空虚,都是追风。
I have seen all things that are done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and a chase after wind.
1:15 弯曲的,不能使之正直,亏缺的,实在不可胜数。
What is crooked cannot be made straight, and what is missing cannot be supplied.
1:16 我心自谓:「看,我获得又大又多的智慧,胜过所有在我以前住在耶路撒冷的人;我心获识许多智慧和学问。」
Though I said to myself, "Behold, I have become great and stored up wisdom beyond all who were before me in Jerusalem, and my mind has broad experience of wisdom and knowledge";
1:17 我再专心研究智慧和学问,愚昧和狂妄,我才发觉:连这项工作也是追风。
yet when I applied my mind to know wisdom and knowledge, madness and folly, I learned that this also is a chase after wind.
1:18 因为,智慧愈多,烦恼愈多;学问越广,忧虑越深。
For in much wisdom there is much sorrow, and he who stores up knowledge stores up grief.