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【圣咏集】 上一章 下一章
10:1 上主,你为什么站在远处!在困苦之时竟隐藏不露?
Why, LORD, do you stand at a distance and pay no heed to these troubled times?
10:2 恶人蛮横地难为弱小的人,叫他陷于预设的阴谋之中。
Arrogant scoundrels pursue the poor; they trap them by their cunning schemes.II
10:3 恶人因随心所欲而自庆,匪徒因轻慢上主而自幸;
The wicked even boast of their greed; these robbers curse and scorn the LORD.
10:4 恶人心高气傲说:「他绝不会追究!也绝没有天主!」这就是他的企图。
In their insolence the wicked boast: "God doesn’t care, doesn’t even exist."
10:5 他的道路时时弯曲错谬;常把你的惩罚抛诸脑后,对一切私仇常怒气诅咒。
Yet their affairs always succeed; they ignore your judgment on high; theysneer at all who oppose them.
10:6 心下自语:「我永远不会动摇!我永永远远不会遭受灾祸!」
They say in their hearts, "We will never fall; never will we see misfortune."
10:7 他满口是欺诈与辱骂,舌下尽是恶毒与谎话。
Their mouths are full of oaths, violence, and lies; discord and evil areunder their tongues.
10:8 他在村边隐密处埋伏,他暗地里要杀害无辜,他对不幸者窥伺注目,
They wait in ambush near towns; their eyes watch for the helpless. to murderthe innocent in secret.
10:9 他在暗处伺伏,有如狮子蹲在洞口,要把贫困的人,伺机刮搜,将贫困者拖入网中劫走。
They lurk in ambush like lions in a thicket, hide there to trap the poor,snare them and close the net.
10:10 他俯下身子,蹲伏在地下,不幸者便陷入他的爪牙;
The helpless are crushed, laid low; they fall into the power of the wicked,
10:11 心下自语:「天主忘了,他掩了面,永不再看。」
1Who say in their hearts, "God pays no attention, shows no concern, neverbothers to look."III
10:12 上主天主,求你起来将手举起,不要把穷苦人忘记。
Rise up, LORD God! Raise your arm! Do not forget the poor!
10:13 为什么让恶人轻慢天主,心下自语,「他绝不会追究?」
Why should the wicked scorn God, say in their hearts, "God doesn’t care"?
10:14 其实你已看见欺压与暴行,正考虑如何亲手加以严惩;因此不幸的人向你投奔,唯有你是孤儿们的救星。
But you do see; you do observe this misery and sorrow; you take the matterin hand. To you the helpless can entrust their cause; you are the defender oforphans.
10:15 愿你打断罪犯与恶人的臂膊,报复他的罪孽直至不再发作。
Break the arms of the wicked and depraved; make them account for theircrimes; let none of them survive.IV
10:16 上主为王,直至于万世无疆;野蛮人必由他领域中丧亡。
The LORD is king forever; the nations have vanished from God’s land.
10:17 上主,你垂允了谦卑者的心愿,坚固他们的心灵,也侧耳俯听。
You listen, LORD, to the needs of the poor; you encourage them and heartheir prayers.
10:18 护卫孤儿和受压迫者的特权,使尘世的人不再施恐怖手段。
You win justice for the orphaned and oppressed; no one on earth will causeterror again.


