11:1 达味作,交与乐官。上主是我的避难所,你们怎么能对我说:「象只小鸟,飞往深山!
For the leader. Of David. I In the LORD I take refuge; how can you say to me,"Flee like a bird to the mountains!
11:2 看,恶人挽弓搭箭,向心诚的人暗算。
See how the wicked string their bows, fit their arrows to the string to shootfrom the shadows at the upright.
11:3 基础既已全部崩溃,义人还能有何作为?」
When foundations are being destroyed, what can the upright do?"II
11:4 上主住在自己的圣殿,上主的宝座设立于天;他的眼睛垂视下地,他的目光细察人子, The LORD is in his holy temple; the LORD’s throne is in heaven. God’s eyeskeep careful watch; they test all peoples.11:5 上主审察着义人与恶人;全心痛恨那爱蛮横的人,
The LORD tests the good and the bad, hates those who love violence,
11:6 上主使火碳硫磺降于恶人之身,干燥的热风将是他们杯中之分。
And rains upon the wicked fiery coals and brimstone, a scorching wind theirallotted cup.
11:7 上主是正义的,他酷爱公正,心诚的人必得见他的仪容。 The LORD is just and loves just deeds; the upright shall see his face.