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【智慧篇】 上一章 下一章
14:1 再如:有个准备航海的人,行将在怒涛中航行之际,竟向一块比自己乘的船还易坏的木头呼求。
Again, one preparing for a voyage and about to traverse the wild waves cries out to wood more unsound than the boat that bears him.
14:2 船固然是因求财的贪心而发明的,亦是匠人以智慧造成的;
For the urge for profits devised this latter, and Wisdom the artificer produced it.
14:3 但最后,父啊!还是你的照顾在驾驶,因为原是你在海洋中划出了一条路线,在波浪中开辟了一条安全的路径,
But your providence, O Father! guides it, for you have furnished even in the sea a road, and through the waves a steady path,
14:4 表示你能救人脱离各种危险,连没有技术的人,也能航海。
Showing that you can save from any danger, so that even one without skill may embark.
14:5 你决不愿使你智慧的工作弃之不用,因此,人将生命托给一片小木,借一叶扁舟,经过巨涛而平安到达海岸。
But you will that the products of your Wisdom be not idle; therefore men trust their lives even to frailest wood, and have been safe crossing the surge on a raft.
14:6 其实,在当初,当那些傲慢的巨人被灭绝的时候,世界的希望逃入了一叶扁舟,经你手的驾驶,才得给后世留下了新生的苗裔。
For of old, when the proud giants were being destroyed, the hope of the universe, who took refuge on a raft, left to the world a future for his race, under the guidance of your hand.
14:7 木头如使用得当,是可祝福的;
For blest is the wood through which justice comes about;
14:8 但是,人手造的木偶和木偶的制造者,却是可诅咒的:制造者,因为他造了木偶;木偶,因为虽是腐败的东西,竟被称为神。
but the handmade idol is accursed, and its maker as well: he for having produced it, and it, because though corruptible, it was termed a god.
14:9 不虔敬的人,与他行的不虔敬的事,同样为天主所憎恶;
Equally odious to God are the evildoer and his evil deed;
14:10 所以,木偶与造木偶的,都必遭受惩罚。
and the thing made shall be punished with its contriver.
14:11 为此,天主必要惩罚列邦的偶像,因为偶像在天主的造物中,成了可憎之物,成了人们灵魂的障碍,作了愚人脚前的陷阱。
Therefore upon even the idols of the nations shall a visitation come, since they have become abominable amid God’s works, Snares for the souls of men and a trap for the feet of the senseless.
14:12 发明偶像,是淫乱的开端;创造偶像,是人生的腐败。
For the source of wantoness is the devising of idols; and their invention was a corruption of life.
14:13 起初原无偶像,也不能永久长存;
For in the beginning they were not, nor shall they continue forever;
14:14 由于人的虚荣心,偶像才进入了世界;为此,已注定很快就要结束。
for by the vanity of men they came into the world, and therefore a sudden end is devised for them.
14:15 一个父亲因他儿子的夭折,甚为悲伤,遂为自己早死的儿子立像,他虽是已死的人,如今却敬之如神,并传令家属礼拜献祭。
For a father, afflicted with untimely mourning, made an image of the child so quickly taken from him, And now honored as a god what was formerly a dead man and handed down to his subjects mysteries and sacrifices.
14:16 这种不虔敬的事,相沿日久,便成了习俗,以致守如法律;再加上君王的命令,雕像遂受崇拜。
Then, in time, the impious practice gained strength and was observed as law, and graven things were worshiped by princely decrees.
14:17 住在远方的人,不能当面尊敬国王,便由远方设想君王的相貌,为所要尊敬的君王,制造一座可见的肖像,向那不在跟前的,殷勤献媚,如同就在跟前一样。
Men who lived so far away that they could not honor him in his presence copied the appearance of the distant king And made a public image of him they wished to honor, out of zeal to flatter him when absent, as though present.
14:18 艺术家的野心,把那些不认识君王的人,也都诱来,为扩大这项敬礼;
And to promote this observance among those to whom it was strange, the artisan’s ambition provided a stimulus.
14:19 艺术家原为讨有权威者的欢心,就竭力运用自己的技术,使君王的肖像格外美丽;
For he, mayhap in his determination to please the ruler, labored over the likeness to the best of his skill;
14:20 民众受了这精美手工的吸引,不久以前那当人尊敬的,现在却奉之为神了。
And the masses, drawn by the charm of the workmanship, soon thought he should be worshiped who shortly before was honored as a man.
14:21 这便成了人生的隐祸,因为遭受不幸,或受暴君压迫的人们,将「那不可道出的名字,」加给了木石。
And this became a snare for mankind, that men enslaved to either grief or tyranny conferred the incommunicable Name on stocks and stones.
14:22 他们对天主的认识错到如此地步,还以为不足;甚至愚昧使他们生活在强烈的战斗中,还将这样的大祸,称为和平。
Then it was not enough for them to err in their knowledge of God; but even though they live in a great war of ignorance, they call such evils peace.
14:23 因他们祭杀孩童,或举行秘密祭礼,或仪式怪诞的狂欢宴会。
For while they celebrate either child-slaying sacrifices or clandestine mysteries, or frenzied carousals in unheard-of rites,
14:24 谁也不顾及生活与婚姻的纯洁,遂彼此陷害残杀,以奸淫加害于人。
They no longer safeguard either lives or pure wedlock; but each either waylays and kills his neighbor, or aggrieves him by adultery.
14:25 于是,混乱到处丛生:流血、杀人、盗窃、欺骗、缺德、失信、暴乱、违约、
And all is confusion-blood and murder, theft and guile, corruption, faithlessness, turmoil, perjury,
14:26 陷害忠良、忘恩负义、玷辱灵魂、同性淫乱、婚姻混杂、通奸淫乱。
Disturbance of good men, neglect of gratitude, besmirching of souls, unnatural lust, disorder in marriage, adultery and shamelessness.
14:27 崇拜虚无的偶像,实是万恶的起源、由来和结局。
For the worship of infamous idols is the reason and source and extremity of all evil.
14:28 这些人行乐发狂,预言虚妄,生活邪辟,妄发虚誓,
For they either go mad with enjoyment, or prophesy lies, or live lawlessly or lightly forswear themselves.
14:29 因为他们信赖无生命的偶像,自以为妄发虚誓,不会受罚。
For as their trust is in soulless idols, they expect no harm when they have sworn falsely.
14:30 但是,正为了这两件事,他们必受公义的处罚:因对天主没有正确的认识,因而崇拜偶像;又因诡计多端,妄发虚誓,因而轻视圣洁。
But on both counts shall justice overtake them: because they thought ill of God and devoted themselves to idols, and because they deliberately swore false oaths, despising piety.
14:31 因为,那常追击不义者违法行为的,并不是「赖以发誓者」的力量,而是天主对犯罪者的惩罚。
For not the might of those that are sworn by but the retribution of sinners ever follows upon the transgression of the wicked.


