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【圣咏集】 上一章 下一章
17:1 达味祷词。上主,请静听我的伸诉,俯听我的呼号,请倾听我出自绝无虚伪唇舌的祈祷。
A prayer of David. I Hear, LORD, my plea for justice; pay heed to my cry;Listen to my prayer spoken without guile.
17:2 愿我的案件在你面前判决,愿你的眼睛细察何为清白!
From you let my vindication come; your eyes see what is right.
17:3 任你考验我的心灵,夜间来视察我,以火锻练我,你总找不到我的邪恶:因我的口总未象人一样犯了罪过。
You have tested my heart, searched it in the night. You have tried me byfire, but find no malice in me. My mouth has not transgressed
17:4 我依照你的训令,遵行法律的正道。
as humans often do. As your lips have instructed me, I have kept the way ofthe law.
17:5 我的双脚紧随了你的脚印,我的脚步决不致蹒跚不定。
My steps have kept to your paths; my feet have not faltered.II
17:6 天主,我向你呼号,请你回答我,求你侧耳听我,俯听我的祈祷。
I call upon you; answer me, O God. Turn your ear to me; hear my prayer.
17:7 请你彰现你奇妙的慈爱,将投奔到你身右边的人,从敌人的危害中救出来。
Show your wonderful love, you who deliver with your right arm those who seekrefuge from their foes.
17:8 求你护卫我有如眼中的瞳仁,在你双翼的庇护下叫我藏身,
Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings
17:9 使我脱离谋害我的暴民,及那企图消灭我的仇人。
rom the violence of the wicked.III
17:10 他们关闭了铁石的心肠,口中语言尽是夸大狂妄,
My ravenous enemies press upon me; they close their hearts, they fill theirmouths with proud roaring.
17:11 他们的脚步现已把我紧逼,瞪着眼务要将我推倒在地。
Their steps even now encircle me; they watch closely, keeping low to theground,
17:12 他们好似急于掠食的猛狮,他们又如伏在暗处的壮狮。
Like lions eager for prey, like young lions lurking in ambush.
17:13 上主,起来迎击制服我的仇敌,上主挥动利剑救我脱离恶徒。
Rise, O LORD, confront and cast them down; rescue me so from the wicked.
17:14 上主,求你亲手将他们治死,杀死他们,使他们离开此世,灭绝他们,使他们不再呼吸。求你使义人享用你的财富,使他们的子女也心满意足,再把剩余的给自己的子女。
Slay them with your sword; with your hand, LORD, slay them; snatch them fromthe world in their prime. Their bellies are being filled with your friends;their children are satisfied too, for they share what is left with their young.
17:15 愿我因我的正义能享见你的圣面,愿我醒来能尽情欣赏你的慈颜。
I am just ?let me see your face; when I awake, let me be filled with yourpresence.


