2:1 祸哉,那些在床上筹划不义,图谋行恶的人!因为他们手中有能力,一到天亮,就去实行。
Woe to those who plan iniquity, and work out evil on their couches; In the morning light they accomplish it when it lies within their power.
2:2 他们想要田地,便去霸占;想要房屋,便去夺取:以暴力对付业主和他的家族,物主和他的产业。
They covet fields, and seize them; houses, and they take them; They cheat an owner of his house, a man of his inheritance.
2:3 为此上主这样说:「看,我正在为这一家筹划灾祸,致令你们不能缩回你们的颈项,也不能挺身前行,因为那是一个灾祸的时刻。」
Therefore thus says the LORD: Behold, I am planning against this race an evil from which you shall not withdraw your necks; Nor shall you walk with head high, for it will be a time of evil.
2:4 在那一日,人要作诗讽刺你们,唱这悲惨的哀歌说:「我们完全被抢掠了,我人民的基业已被人瓜分了,再无人归还;我们的土地已分配给抢掠我们的人!」
On that day a satire shall be sung over you, and there shall be a plaintive chant: "Our ruin is complete, our fields are portioned out among our captors, The fields of my people are measured out, and no one can get them back!"
2:5 因此,你们在上主的集会中,再没有拉绳测量和抽签的人。
Thus you shall have no one to mark out boundaries by lot in the assembly of the LORD.
2:6 他们讲说:「你们不要说预言。」「人不该预言这样的事,耻辱决不会来到我们身上!
"Preach not," they preach, "let them not preach of these things!" The shame will not withdraw.
2:7 雅各伯的家岂是可诅咒的﹖上主的气量岂能变为狭小﹖难道这是他的作风﹖他的话岂不是有益于以色列子民﹖」
How can it be said, O house of Jacob, "Is the LORD short of patience, or are such his deeds?" Do not my words promise good to him who walks uprightly?
2:8 「但是你们正像敌人一样,起来攻击我的人民,因为你们向没有短衣的人索求长袍,向平安走路的人索取战利品。
But of late my people has risen up as an enemy: you have stripped off the mantle covering the tunic Of those who go their way in confidence, as though it were spoils of war.
2:9 你们驱逐我人民的妇女离开她们的快乐家庭,从她们的婴儿身上,永远夺去我的光荣。
The women of my people you drive out from their pleasant houses; From their children you take away forever the honor I gave them.
2:10 你们起来走吧!因为这不是你们安息之所。为了不洁,这地必要遭受不可挽救的毁灭。」
"Up! Be off, this is no place to rest"; For any trifle you exact a crippling pledge.
2:11 假若有人随从虚妄而撒谎说:「我要对你预言清酒和醇酒。」这人必可作这民族的先知。
If one, acting on impulse, should make the futile claim: "I pour you wine and strong drink as my prophecy," then he would be the prophet of this people.
2:12 我必要聚集雅各伯全民众,我必要集合以色列的遗民,使他们合并在一处,有如羊栏里的绵羊,有如牧场上的羊群,不再怕任何人。
I will gather you, O Jacob, each and every one, I will assemble all the remnant of Israel; I will group them like a flock in the fold, like a herd in the midst of its corral; they shall not be thrown into panic by men.
2:13 开路者走在他们前面开道;他走在前面,众人随他穿门而过;他们的君王走在他们们前面,上主亲作他们的响导。
With a leader to break the path they shall burst open the gate and go out through it; Their king shall go through before them, and the LORD at their head. [CHAP.3]