2:1 看,那传报福音,宣布和平者的脚已站在山上!犹大,举行你的庆节,偿还你的誓愿吧!因为那恶者不会再由你中间经过,他已全然消灭。
See, upon the mountains there advances the bearer of good news, announcing peace! Celebrate your feasts, O Judah, fulfill your vows! For nevermore shall you be invaded by the scoundrel; he is completely destroyed.
2:2 因为上主要恢复雅各伯的葡萄园,也要恢复以色列的葡萄园,因为劫掠者抢掠了他们,且破坏了他们的葡萄蔓。
The hammer comes up against you; guard the rampart, Keep watch on the road, gird your loins, marshall all your strength!
2:3 尼尼微,有个破坏者上来攻击你,你应把守堡垒,防守要道,朿紧你的腰,集中你的全力!
The LORD will restore the vine of Jacob, the pride of Israel, Though ravagers have ravaged them and ruined the tendrils.
2:4 他勇士的盾牌是赤红的,战士穿的衣服是深红的;在他整装待发之日,战车闪烁如火,骑士疾驰如飞。
The shields of his warriors are crimsoned, the soldiers colored in scarlet; Fiery steel are the chariots on the day of his mustering. The horses are frenzied;
2:5 战车在大路上奔驰,在广场上疾驶,形状有如火炬,疾行有如闪电。
the chariots dash madly through the streets And wheel in the squares, looking like firebrands, flashing like lightning bolts.
2:6 亚述王召集了他的精锐,而他们却在行军时颠仆;急忙跑近城堡,但高楯已竖起。
His picked troops are called, ranks break at their charge; To the wall they rush, the mantelet is set up.
2:7 河闸打开了,皇宫大为震惊。
The river gates are opened, the palace shudders,
2:8 漆布裸体被掳去,她的使女们呻吟如鸽,各自搥胸。
Its mistress is led forth captive, and her handmaids, under guard, Moaning like doves, beating their breasts.
2:9 尼尼微好似一个水池,池水汹涌流出,虽出有人喊:「止住!止住!」但无一人回顾。
Nineveh is like a pool whose waters escape; "Stop! Stop!" but none turns back.
2:10 「你们抢夺银子,抢夺金子!」有无尽的宝藏,有无数的珍器。
"Plunder the silver, plunder the gold!" There is no end to the treasure, to their wealth in precious things of every kind!
2:11 抢掠、洗劫、蹂躏!人心沮丧,两膝打颤,双腰发抖,面无血色。
Emptiness, desolation, waste; melting hearts and trembling knees, Writhing in every frame, every face blanched!
2:12 狮子穴,幼狮洞,今在何处﹖哪里原是雄狮、母狮和幼狮出入之所,无人敢惊扰它们!
Where is the lions' cave, the young lions' den, Where the lion went in and out, and the cub, with no one to disturb them?
2:13 雄狮曾为幼狮撕裂猎物,为母狮扼死野兽,将猎物塞满它的洞穴,将掠物充塞它的窟穴。
The lion snatched enough for his cubs, and strangled for his lionesses; He filled his dens with prey, and his caves with plunder.
2:14 看,我必攻击你!──万君上主的断语──我要在浓烟中烧毁你的洞穴,使刀剑吞噬你的幼狮,由地上扫除你的掠物,令人再也听不到你使者的声音。
I come against you, says the LORD of hosts; I will consume in smoke your chariots, and the sword shall devour your young lions; Your preying on the land I will bring to an end, the cry of your lionesses shall be heard no more.