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【圣咏集】 上一章 下一章
21:1 达味诗歌,交与乐官。
For the leader. A psalm of David.I
21:2 上主,君王因你的威能而欣喜,因你的救助狂欢而快乐无比。
LORD, the king finds joy in your power; in your victory how greatly herejoices!
21:3 你满全了他心中的渴想,没有拒绝他口中的愿望。
You have granted him his heart’s desire; you did not refuse the prayer of hislips. Selah
21:4 因为你已赐给了他超卓的福宠,且以纯金的冠冕加在他的头上;
For you welcomed him with goodly blessings; you placed on his head a crown ofpure gold.
21:5 他虽只向你乞求确保性命,你却赐他万世无疆的永生。
He asked life of you; you gave it to him, length of days forever.
21:6 你协助他获得了伟大的光荣,你加给他无比的荣耀与尊崇;
Great is his glory in your victory; majesty and splendor you confer upon him.
21:7 你使他成了万世的福源,使他在你面前踊跃喜欢。
You make him the pattern of blessings forever, you gladden him with the joyof your presence.
21:8 君王既已全心对上主信赖,凭至高者的慈爱不再移改。
For the king trusts in the LORD, stands firm through the love of the MostHigh.II
21:9 愿你的手将你的一切仇敌搜罗,愿你的右手将憎恨你的人捕捉!
Your hand will reach all your enemies; your right hand will reach your foes!
21:10 当你显示你尊容的时候,处置他们有如放在火炉;愿上主以震怒消灭他们,让火焰也尽情吞灭他们!
At the time of your coming you will drive them into a furnace. Then theLORD’s anger will consume them, devour them with fire.
21:11 愿你从地上灭尽他们的子女,使他们的后裔全绝迹于人世!
Even their descendants you will wipe out from the earth, their offspringfrom the human race.
21:12 他们虽为陷害你而设计,策划的阴谋却无济于事;
Though they intend evil against you, devising plots, they will not succeed,
21:13 因为你朝他们张弓搭箭,已使他们吓得转身逃窜。
For you will put them to flight; you will aim at them with your bow. III
21:14 上主,请起来,显示你的英勇,让我们歌颂称扬你的威能。
Arise, LORD, in your power! We will sing and chant the praise of your might.


