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27:1 约伯继续他的言论说:
And Job continued his discourse:
27:2 我指着那剥夺我权利的天主起誓,指着使我心灵苦痛的全能者起誓:
As God lives, who withholds my deserts, the Almighty, who has made bitter my soul,
27:3 几时我还有气息,我鼻中尚有天主赋予的生气,
So long as I still have life in me and the breath of God is in my nostrils,
27:4 我的口唇决不说谎言,我的舌头决不讲虚话。
My lips shall not speak falsehood, nor my tongue utter deceit!
27:5 若叫我说你们有理,那决 办不到;到我断气,我决不放弃我的纯正。
Far be it from me to account you right; till I die I will not renounce my innocence.
27:6 我坚持我的正义,决不罢休;对于已往的生活,我问心无愧。
My justice I maintain and I will not relinquish it; my heart does not reproach me for any of my days.
27:7 惟愿恨我的人,遭恶人的命运;起来攻击我的人,遭罪犯的处分。
Let my enemy be as the wicked and my adversary as the unjust!
27:8 恶人呼吁时,有何期待﹖当他向天主举起灵魂时,有何希望﹖
For what can the impious man expect when he is cut off, when God requires his life?
27:9 灾难临到他身上时,天主岂能听他的呼求﹖
Will God then attend to his cry when calamity comes upon him?
27:10 他岂是以全能者为喜乐,时时祈求天主﹖
Will he then delight in the Almighty and call upon him constantly?
27:11 我要将天主的作为教导你们;对全能者的意旨,我决不隐瞒。
I will teach you the manner of God’s dealings, and the way of the Almighty I will not conceal.
27:12 其实,这一切你们都熟悉,但为何还这样崇尚空谈﹖纳阿玛人左法尔就说:
Behold, you yourselves have all seen it; why then do you spend yourselves in idle words!
27:13 看,这是天主给恶人定的命运,是强暴者由全能者所承受的产业:
This is the portion of a wicked man from God, the inheritance an oppressor receives from the Almighty:
27:14 他的子女虽众多,都必死于刀下;他的后代子孙,不得饱食。
Though his children be many, the sword is their destiny. His offspring shall not be filled with bread.
27:15 剩余的人,为瘟疫所葬送;他们的遗孀,不举哀吊丧。
His survivors, when they die, shall have no burial, and their widows shall not be mourned.
27:16 他虽积蓄金银,多如尘沙;备制衣服,多如土堆;
Though he heap up silver like dust and store away mounds of clothing,
27:17 他固然预备,义人来穿着,无辜者要分取他们的金银。
What he has stored the just man shall wear, and the innocent shall divide the silver.
27:18 他建造的房屋有如雀巢,又如守望者搭的茅舍。
He builds his house as of cobwebs, or like a booth put up by the vine-keeper.
27:19 他睡眠时,虽称富足,但睁开眼时,已一无所有。
He lies down a rich man, one last time; he opens his eyes and nothing remains to him.
27:20 白天有恐怖侵袭,黑夜有飓风将他卷去。
Terrors rush upon him by day; at night the tempest carries him off.
27:21 东风将他们吹走,由他们的居处将他拔除。
The storm wind seizes him and he disappears; it sweeps him out of his place.
27:22 众人毫不怜悯拿他当作箭靶,力求逃避攻击他的手。
It hurls itself against him without mercy as he flees headlong from its power.
27:23 人人都对他鼓掌称庆,所到之处,莫不嗤之以鼻。
It claps its hands in derision and hisses him out of his place.


