3:1 祸哉!血债的城,满城欺诈,处处劫掠,抢夺不息。
Woe to the bloody city, all lies, full of plunder, whose looting never stops!
3:2 听皮鞭飕飕,车轮隆隆,战马奔驰,战车疾驶,
The crack of the whip, the rumbling sounds of wheels; horses a-gallop, chariots bounding,
3:3 骑士跃马,刀剑晃亮,枪矛闪辉,被杀者众,死者成堆,尸体无边,人人为尸体绊倒:
Cavalry charging, The flame of the sword, the flash of the spear, the many slain, the heaping corpses, the endless bodies to stumble upon!
3:4 这都是因那娇艳妖冶的淫妇,行妖术的女巫的许多淫行所致。她以淫荡欺骗了列邦,用妖术迷惑了万民。
For the many debaucheries of the harlot, fair and charming, a mistress of witchcraft, Who enslaved nations with her harlotries, and peoples by her witchcraft:
3:5 看,我必攻击你,──万军上主的断语──我必将你的衣裙掀到你的脸上,使万民见到你的裸体,使列邦看到你的耻辱:
I am come against you, and I will strip your skirt from you; I will show your nakedness to the nations, to the kingdoms your shame!
3:6 我必要将粪溺拋在你身上侮辱你,使你成为鉴戒。
I will cast filth upon you, disgrace you and put you to shame;
3:7 凡看见你的,必逃避你说:「尼尼微终于毁灭了!」谁会向你表同情﹖我从哪里能找到安慰她的人﹖
Till everyone who sees you runs from you, saying, "Nineveh is destroyed; who can pity her? Where can one find any to console her?"
3:8 你那里能胜过那位于尼罗河上,四面环水的诺阿孟?她有海为屏障,有水为垣墙;
Are you better than No-amon that was set among the streams, Surrounded by waters, with the flood for her rampart and water her wall?
3:9 雇士和埃及是她的力量,力大无穷;普特和利比亚是她的助手;
Ethiopia was her strength, and Egypt, and others without end; Put and the Libyans were her auxiliaries.
3:10 但是她也被掳去,充当俘虏,她的婴儿也在各街头被摔死,人抽签分配她的贵族,用铁链缚住她的缙绅。
Yet even she went captive into exile, even her little ones were dashed to pieces at the corner of every street; For her nobles they cast lots, and all her great men were put into chains.
3:11 你也要这样被攻破而消失,你也要找一个安全处为逃避仇敌。
You too, shall drink of this till you faint away; you, too, shall seek a refuge from the foe.
3:12 你的一切堡垒好象早熟的无花果树,人一摇动,就落在食者的口里。
All your fortresses are but fig trees, bearing early figs That fall, when shaken, into the hungry mouth.
3:13 看哪!在你中间的百姓都是妇女,你境内的门已为你的敌人敞开,火已烧毁了你的门闩。
See, the troops are women in your midst; to your foes the gates of your land are open wide, fire has consumed their bars.
3:14 你应吸水防备围困,应巩固你的堡垒,踏黏土,踩胶泥,紧握砖型。
Draw water for the siege, strengthen your fortresses; Go down into the mud and tread the clay, take hold of the brick mold!
3:15 火要在那里烧灭你,刀剑要歼灭你,[把你吞食有如蚱蜢。]你尽可增多你的人数有如蚱蜢,多如飞蝗;
There the fire shall consume you, the sword shall cut you down. Multiply like the grasshoppers, multiply like the locusts!
3:16 增加你的商贾,多过天上的星辰!──蚱蜢一脱壳就飞去了。
Make your couriers more numerous than the stars,
3:17 你的守卫正如蝗虫,你的官吏正像一群蚱蜢;冷天蛰伏在墙上,但太阳一升起,就飞去了,没有人知道它们究在何处。
your garrisons as many as grasshoppers, And your scribes as locust swarms gathered on the rubble fences on a cold day! Yet when the sun warms them, the grasshoppers will spread their wings and fly, and vanish, no one knows where.
3:18 亚述王!你的牧者已酣睡,你的贵族已永眠,你的人民已散在各山上,无人再能聚集。
Alas! how your shepherds slumber, O king of Assyria, your nobles have gone to rest; Your people are scattered upon the mountains, with none to gather them.
3:19 你的创痍无法治疗,你的创伤是致命伤。凡听到你这消息的,都朝你鼓掌,因为有谁没有时常受过你的虐待?
There is no healing for your hurt, your wound is mortal. All who hear this news of you clap their hands over you; For who has not been overwhelmed, steadily, by your malice?