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【德训篇】 上一章 下一章
4:1 我儿,不要拒绝救济穷人生活的急需,也不要使急难人的眼目长久望着你。
My son, rob not the poor man of his livelihood; force not the eyes of the needy to turn away.
4:2 不要加增饥饿人的悲苦,也不要激怒困苦中的人。
A hungry man grieve not, a needy man anger not;
4:3 不要扰乱忧苦人的心灵,也不要迟延接济有急难的人。
Do not exasperate the downtrodden; delay not to give to the needy.
4:4 不要拒绝痛苦而哀求的人,也不要转脸不顾穷困的人。
A beggar in distress do not reject; avert not your face from the poor.
4:5 不要转眼不顾乞丐,而叫他生气,也不要让他,那有求于你的人,背后咒骂你。
From the needy turn not your eyes, give no man reason to curse you;
4:6 因为,人心在愁苦中,若咒骂了你,他的创造者必要垂听他的哀求。
For if in the bitterness of his soul he curse you, his Creator will hear his prayer.
4:7 在穷人的集会前,你应表示和气;在长老前,你应谦抑你的心灵;在官长前,你应低首下心。
Endear yourself to the assembly; before a ruler bow your head.
4:8 你要高兴倾耳垂听穷人,并归还你的债务,又要和颜悦色地向他答礼。
Give a hearing to the poor man, and return his greeting with courtesy;
4:9 应从压迫者的手中,拯救被压迫的人;在宣判时,不应畏缩。
Deliver the oppressed from the hand of the oppressor; let not justice be repugnant to you.
4:10 对待孤儿应如慈父,扶助他们的母亲,应如丈夫。
To the fatherless be as a father, and help their mother as a husband would; Thus will you be like a son to the Most High, and he will be more tender to you than a mother.
4:11 如此,你才算是至高者听命的儿子,他必要比你的母亲更爱你。
Wisdom instructs her children and admonishes those who seek her.
4:12 智慧举扬自己的子孙,照顾寻找自己的人。在正义的路上,她要身为前导。
He who loves her loves life; those who seek her out win her favor.
4:13 爱她的,就是爱生命;欣勤寻找她的,必能充满喜乐。
He who holds her fast inherits glory; wherever he dwells, the LORD bestows blessings.
4:14 占有她的,必承受荣耀;她到那里,上主就在那里赐福。
Those who serve her serve the Holy One; those who love her the LORD loves.
4:15 凡事奉她的,就是事奉圣者;凡爱慕她的,上主也必爱他们。
He who obeys her judges nations; he who hearkens to her dwells in her inmost chambers.
4:16 听从她的,必能统治万民;亲近她的,必能安居度日。
If one trusts her, he will possess her; his descendants too will inherit her.
4:17 依赖她的,必能以她为产业;他的后裔也必占有这份产业。
She walks with him as a stranger, and at first she puts him to the test; Fear and dread she brings upon him and tries him with her discipline; With her precepts she puts him to the proof, until his heart is fully with her.
4:18 因为,智慧先领他走弯曲的路,先试探他,
Then she comes back to bring him happiness and reveal her secrets to him.
4:19 使他畏惧恐怖,用自己的纪律磨炼他,以自己的诫命试探他,直到对他有了信任为止。
But if he fails her, she will abandon him and deliver him into the hands of despoilers.
4:20 然后,她要坚固他,再领他走直路,使他欢乐;
Use your time well; guard yourself from evil, and bring upon yourself no shame.
4:21 将自己的秘密启示给他,使他富有知识和对正义的睿智。
There is a sense of shame laden with guilt, and a shame that merits honor and respect.
4:22 若是他走入歧途,智慧就离弃他,任凭他丧亡。
Show no favoritism to your own discredit; let no one intimidate you to your own downfall.
4:23 我儿,你要爱惜光阴,谨避邪恶;
Refrain not from speaking at the proper time, and hide not away your wisdom;
4:24 不要做问心有愧的事。
For it is through speech that wisdom becomes known, and knowledge through the tongue’s rejoinder.
4:25 有一种羞愧带来罪恶,又有一种羞愧却带来光荣和恩宠。
Never gainsay the truth, and struggle not against the rushing stream.
4:26 你不要顾全脸面,而陷害你的灵魂;也不要说谎,而害你的灵魂。
Be not ashamed to acknowledge your guilt, but of your ignorance rather be ashamed.
4:27 你不要因羞怯而自取丧亡。
Do not abase yourself before an impious man, nor refuse to do so before rulers.
4:28 在救助人时,不要闭口无言,也不要把你的智慧隐藏不露。
Even to the death fight for truth, and the LORD your God will battle for you.
4:29 因为由言谈中,可以看出智慧;在答话上,可以现出明智;在正义的工作上,可以表示出意志的坚定。
Be not surly in your speech, nor lazy and slack in your deeds.
4:30 不要出言反对真理,对你的无知,你当羞愧。
Be not a lion at home, nor sly and suspicious at work.
4:31 不要耻于承认你的罪过,不要阻止下流的河水。
Let not your hand be open to receive and clenched when it is time to give.
4:32 在胡涂人前,不要屈服,也不要顾全权威者的脸面。
4:33 至死要为真理奋斗,上主天主必要助你作战。
4:34 不要在唇舌上夸张,不要在行事上怠慢疏忽。
4:35 你在家中,不要如同一只狮子;对你的仆役,不要任性逞强,不要压迫你的属下。
4:36 你的手不要只为领取才伸开,而在施恩时缩回。


